| A la découverte de Cluny et du Clunisois |
 | Carnaval des l'épouvantails, création de costumes, défilé... |
 | Enquête en famille - Avec Céleste, mène l'enquête dans la cité médiévale de Cluny |
 | Better knowledge of nature to better respect it: 3 appointments in Acro'bath 10 minutes from the yurt. |
 | Différentes aventures et différents niveaux, à vous de jouer !
- Disparitions au château - niveau débutant à partir de 8 ans
- Mystère à l’école des sorciers - niveau intermédiaire - à partir de 8 ans
- Le meilleur braqueur - niveau intermédiaire - à partir de 14 ans |
 | Spectacle d'ombres chinoises |
.jpg) | The History of Cluny in show |
 | Spectacles vivants |
 | Oyez jeunes damoiselles et preux damoiseaux. Josserand, seigneur de Brancion a besoin de vous ! Un brigand de grand chemin a dérobé son armure et il compte sur vous pour retrouver et démasquer le coquin ! Costumé en chevalier ou en princesse, vous rencontrerez les témoins du vol au cours de votre découverte du château. Et qui sait, vous retrouverez peut-être l’armure volée ?! Les costumes pour petits et grands sont prêtés au château. L’enquête est incluse dans le prix d’entrée du château.
>> Infos et réservation : Château de Brancion |
 | https://www.destination-saone-et-loire.fr/fr/brochure/aventures-momes-2022.html |
 | It’s top, 30 minutes from the yurt, you can visit two caves! 8 km apart from each other, these are two different atmospheres to walk in. From the cave-abyss of Blanot to the cave of the underground river and prehistoric cave of Azé (recommended booking), the world of infinity small is revealed in guided tours where even the summer a warm garment is required! |
 | Thirty local producers and artisans are waiting for you to share this magical moment! |
 | Faced with the difficulties in finding spare parts, we made the decision to permanently dismantle the small yurt. |
 | Happy new year |
 | Because it would be absurd to get there, I prefer to welcome you as before, with natural and simplicity, in the spirit of the yurt where tranquility is a priority. |
 | sunset |
 | Show in Cluny |
 | 18th edition of the festival |
 | An acrobatic, equestrian, musical and aerial feat.
At 21h - Every Tuesday and Friday evening, from 9 July to 20 August included, additional performance on Thursday 22 August |
 | With for godmother Yrgane Ramon |
 | Happy new year |
 | A wonderful history for small and big |
.jpg) | Walking by moonlight |
 | This game to be discovered in family will amuse youngs as the biggest. |
 | Animation to share a moment in family or between friends |
 | Thursday, March 8th and Friday, March 9th at 8:30 pm at Cellier de l'Abbaye de Cluny.
"Salopette" is the new show of the company Equinoctis with poetry, love and daring.
Big or small, you'll love it! |
 | 2018 |
 | As every year, the Cluny National Stud and its artists in residence Sarah Piller, Mégane Desesquelle and Gilliane Senn, propose a Christmas equestrian show. |
 | The city of Cluny is illuminated under a shower of stars at this magical evening where the street arts are in the spotlight |
 | Equestrian show accompanied by an orchestra of 70 musicians in the prestigious setting of the national stud farm. |
 | Discover the program and the trailer on cinepause.org |
 | Find all information about www.jazzcampus.fr |
 | - Quite new, quite beautiful !
"Le P'tit Pim"
festival jeune public
les 23, 24 et 25 septembre
sous chapiteau
au cœur du village de Saint Point (71) |
 | Ce serait dommage de louper ça.
Il y aura de l'Incroyable, il y aura du Curieux, il aura du Mystérieux. |
 | Rendez-vous les 9, 10 et 11 septembre 2016
pour la troisième édition de
Septembre imaginaire |
 | Our yurts are 10 minutes from Lournand. Shows, music, yurt night, everything is here to have a good time! |
 | Trailer : https://vimeo.com/166331330
What's on? round about 30 films offering a large vision of yesterday and today cinema on the fiesta theme.
And as usual, an exhibition, an open musical scene and a user-friendly atmosphere around a plate of snails, poached eggs, home-made pizza or vegetable pie and a glass of wine will be waiting for you. |
 | Festival D’aujourd’hui à Demain, music and creation from 07th to 12th July at Cluny.
Festival Guitares en Cormatinois from 9th to 14th July at Cormatin.
Les Grandes Heures de Cluny from 28th July to 15th August.
Jazz Campus en Clunisois from 13th to 20th August.
Without forgetting la Guinguette de Lournand during their festival from 27th to 31th July, concerts and Cluny summer markets…. |